Guidelines for Posting a Last Minute Ride

The DBTC Ride Schedule allows us to provide a variety of rides throughout the metro area.  However, when no ride is scheduled, then a DBTC ride leader can add an alternative last-minute ride that can be announced in Meetup or Yahoo groups.

The guidelines for posting last minute rides are:

       1.    The leader must be a member of DBTC     

       2.      There can't be a similar ride on the published schedule

            a.          Geography  - a ride in Parker is NOT similar to one in Golden

            b.          AND  start time - a 9 AM ride is NOT similar to a 3 PM ride

            c.           AND speed type - a ROAD ride and a FUN ride are NOT similar

            d.       AND  distance - a 35 mile ride and a 20 mile ride are NOT similar

      3.    When a last minute ride appears to fall into the gray area such as 20 vs 25 mile FUN rides starting an hour apart with start locations both in Aurora, then contact the scheduled ride leader to see if the leader feels the ride would compete. It might be better to simply join the other ride.

      4.    While Yahoo groups are still a medium for last minute rides, MeetUp has additional features and more and more of our last minute rides are published there.

5.   The Yahoo groups and MeetUp can be used when last minute changes to existing published scheduled rides are necessary. This allows a little more flexibility if you schedule a published ride and then have to make a change later.